+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it



Questions and answers

  • When does the 36th cycle of the PhD programme begin?
    • Approximately on 1st November 2020
  • Can you have a period of study in another country during the PhD?
    • Of course, the PhD college strongly recommends doctoral students to spend a research period of at least three months abroad.
  • Can courses be taken in place of courses outlined in the PhD programme?
    • Yes, it is possible but the request to replace the scheduled courses must be sent in advance to the coordinator and is subject to approval by the college. Obviously, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the alternative courses are functional to the student’s development.
  • Can I also take courses in the field of master’s degrees to replace the courses provided by the doctorate?
    • Yes, it is possible. Obviously, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the alternative courses have not been previously attended, they are functional to the research path of the PhD student, and subject to a recommendation from the PhD college.
  • Can I participate in congresses / summer schools / meetings during the doctoral period?
    • Of course. The college particularly supports the participation of doctoral students in conferences and conferences to present the results of their research and from the second-year funds are available to support their participation.
  • Is it mandatory to participate in the English courses provided by the CLA?
    • No, it is not necessary if you already have or acquire during the PhD the level of English required by the doctorate (B1). To this end, it is necessary to produce a certification issued by an official body demonstrating the acquisition of B1 level.
  • Can you go abroad for a research period during the first year of your doctorate?
    • Yes, it is possible, but with the authorization of the Doctoral College. However, it should be noted that the first year of the doctorate is mainly intended for the acquisition of teaching credits and the preparation of the research program
  • How do you get a refund for a mission abroad?
    • Before going on a mission it is necessary to request authorization from the coordinator of the PhD and fill in the corresponding mission forms of the Department. Refunds are only made after completing the mission. Funds are available from the second year of the doctorate
  • What can be reimbursed when on a mission?
    • Anything that can be documented through receipts and / or invoices is refundable, obviously for expenses related to the reasons of the mission.
  • How can I get the increase of the PhD scholarship during the period I’m abroad?
    • Before leaving, you must send the authorization request to the coordinator and then, when abroad, you must send a fax monthly to the doctoral office with a declaration from the foreign referent certifying that the PhD student has been at his laboratory in that month.
  • How do you get admitted to the following doctoral year?
    • At the end of the current year, a report is presented to the faculty board including all the teaching and research activities carried out during the year. In addition, the scientific activities are presented in the form of a scientific poster/seminar on a dedicated day which is established by the teaching staff towards the end of the course year.
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