+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it
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Participation call for the XXXIX Ph.D. cycle in Biology
The call for participation (DR/2023/2700 – 03/07/2023) is available on the Italian Official Noticeboard and on the UniNa portal.
UniNA Ph.D. calls
Course organisation
Courses offered
Participation call for the XXXVIII Ph.D. cycle in Biology
The call for participation (DR/2022/2556 del 20/06/2022) is available on the Italian Official Noticeboard and on the UniNa portal.
Participation call for the XXXVI Ph.D. cycle in Biology
The call for participation (D.R. N°2020/1383, date 23/04/2020) is available on the Italian Official Noticeboard and on the UniNa portal.