Student guide for the thesis activities and preparatory activities for the thesis
The master’s degree in “BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF MARINE RESOURCES” is achieved by passing a “final test” where the student will defend his/her master thesis.
The overall thesis preparation and dissertation worth 38 credits. The thesis must be an experimental and original work, written and discussed in English.
The 38 CFU are granted as follows
Preparatory activities for the thesis or Training (4 CFU)
The actual internship. This is intended as an additional activity, which allows the students to learn laboratory techniques other than the thesis activity and should be completed prior to the thesis activity. It can be performed by INTRAMOENIA or EXTRAMOENIA:
– Intramoenia: carried out in a Department of the University Federico II under an university tutor. At the end of the internship activities the students will present the final certificate to the Internship Committee.
– Extramoenia: carried out at a Research Institute that has signed agreements for this purpose with the University Federico II or with the Department of Biology, or at a company that has an agreement with the University Federico II.
ARPA Puglia – Acquario di Cattolica – ISPRA – Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience – University of Florida
Request for Internship Extramoenia: By filling out an online form.
In the “Forms” section you can access the form by clicking “To fill in the Extramoenia Training Project, also in English, “CLICK HERE” and insert User and Password of the institutional student email”. It is necessary to print three double-sided copies of the form and have them signed and stamped by the host institution/company. At the end, one copy should be given to the host institution/company, one to the student and the other to the coordinator of the degree course).
Internship Handbook Extramoenia: at the end of the internship activities the student will present the handbook duly completed for the verification of the laboratory activities carried out to the Course Coordinator / Internship Commission.
The Traineeships Committee, composed of Prof. Anna DI COSMO and Gianluca POLESE
More info at the following links:
Thesis activities (10 CFU)
It concerns the initial activities of the thesis project, which are useful to learn the laboratory techniques necessary for the thesis work. They can be carried out in the same laboratory chosen for the thesis or in another laboratory and must be certified by the Course Coordinator at the end of the thesis. For the identification of the 10 CFU it is necessary to give a “title” to the learned techniques (example: “Techniques of sampling and analysis of Posidonia in the Gulf of Naples”).
Thesis and Final Exam (24 CFU)
The credits are representative of the time spent in the laboratory for the thesis project, together with the thesis paper written in English and the production of a PPT.
The student must attend a public or private research laboratory for a period of 800 hours (or time required by the chosen project) to wait for scientific or technological research applied to a biological problem. You must provide a paper in English in which the scientific problem studied, the experimental approach used, the results obtained and their critical discussion are clearly stated and you must be able to discuss their contents during the final exam of your course of study.
The thesis will be conducted under the guidance of a university supervisor, also a contract professor, and a co-professor (in the case of non-university research centers).
The student can submit the thesis at the beginning of the second teaching period of the first year and a special CCD Commission will provide for the assignment. In order to be admitted to the final exam, the student must have obtained all the required credits, as provided for by the didactic system of the course, excluding those reserved for the final exam.
Just for those who will perform their thesis activity abroad (i.e. Erasmus+ program or similar) the thesis preparation (comprehensive of traineeship) will worth 37 CFU that will be recognized once back from their experience abroad, while 1 CFU will be acquired at the final exam.
Request thesis assignment
In order to obtain the thesis assignment the student must submit to the Thesis Assignment Committee the Request Form, duly completed and signed by the professor who accepts the student. For the assignment of the thesis follow the link:
Thesis assignment forms can be submitted to the Thesis Assignment Commission from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., by the 25th of each month.
N.B. : the scan of both pages of the duly completed and signed form should be sent by email to and the original signed and stamped form should be delivered to room 1F12 of the Biology Department, 2nd floor, Ed.7, MSA.
In case of need or request for clarification contact Prof.ssa Rossella Di Giaimo,
Students who carry out their experimental thesis work in the laboratories of the Department of Biology must read the manual “Work safely in the Laboratories of the Department of Biology”
Members of the thesis assignment commission: Prof. Rossella Di Giaimo.
The thesis supervisor who has found particular merits for the thesis work carried out by the student may request the assignment of an Opponent. This request is a prerequisite to be eventually awarded with maximum grade cum laude, and can be achieved if:
– students enrolled in the second year in time with the study program, the average in one hundred and tenths greater than or equal to 103/110
-students not in time enrolled, whose have average in hundred and tenths greater than or equal to 103.51/110
The person who is responsible for the Assignment of Reports is Prof. Anna DI COSMO
- Request Module Traineership extra moenia
- Final Certificate intramoenia
- Internship certificate extramoenia
For more informations: