+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it



Information about Committees

Here are detailed information about Committees related to the Master degree.

Education Committee

The members of the Education Commission meet periodically to:

  • evaluate problems of teaching, related to the italian reforms DM 540/99 e 270/04.
  • analyze the Education schemes and rules, in relation to the performance of the Degree course.
  • to report periodically the results of their activities to the CCS (Consiglio del Corso di Studio; Council of Study Course).

Members of the Education Committee are professors: Di Cosmo Anna, Francesca Carella

The Committee Assignment of Thesis receives the applications for assigning the Thesis of the MD.

Members of the Committee Assignment of Thesis are: Prof.ssa Rossella Di Giaimo.

The Tutoring and Internship advisory Committee has the role of:

  • orienting students to choose his/her Internship
  • explaining how to apply and the contents of the Internship
  • offering a personalized support to those students who encounter  obstacles in logistic organization or problems in their study methods.
  • receiving feedback from students about difficulties of general or personal nature, as well as about inefficient services experienced during teaching/learning activities and during interactions with University offices
  • evaluating the necessity of additional services,
  • collaborating with the Office of Psychological support for students (CCPSU, Progetto di Consultazione Psicologica per Studenti universitari di Ateneo)
  • presenting periodically the activities developed by the CCS.

Members of the Tutoring and Internship advisory Committee are : proff Di Cosmo Anna, Gianluca Polese

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