Internship activities
By Internship we means the useful knowledge for the inclusion in the work’s world. The acquisition of the 6 ECTs will be approved by the CCD or by a specific Commission of the CCD following an explicit request by the student. The request must be made together with suitable certification, certifying the successful completion of a professional internship, issued by officially recognized public or private institutes.
ECTs may also be obtained through the choice of training activities concerning instrumental techniques, including those relating to the final exam.
For foreign students, there are at most 3 ECTs available for the internship, while a further 3 are dedicated to the acquisition of the Italian language.
Internship CFUs can also be obtained abroad as part of the Erasmus + project or equivalent
– Intramoenia: carried out in a Department of the University Federico II under an university tutor. At the end of the internship activities the students will present the final certificate to the Internship Committee.
– Extramoenia: carried out at a Research Institute that has signed agreements for this purpose with the University Federico II or with the Department of Biology, or at a company that has an agreement with the University Federico II.
Active Conventions
- Arpa Puglia
- Parco le Navi, Società Coop Acquario di Cattolica
- Echinoidea s.r.l.
ARPA Puglia – Acquario di Cattolica – ISPRA – Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience – University of Florida
Tirocini Tesi ed Intership. presso ISPRA
Request for Internship Extramoenia: By filling out an online form.
In the “Forms” section you can access the form by clicking “To fill in the Extramoenia Training Project, also in English, “CLICK HERE” and insert User and Password of the institutional student email”. It is necessary to print three double-sided copies of the form and have them signed and stamped by the host institution/company. At the end, one copy should be given to the host institution/company, one to the student and the other to the coordinator of the degree course).
Internship Handbook Extramoenia: at the end of the internship activities the student will present the handbook duly completed for the verification of the laboratory activities carried out to the Course Coordinator / Internship Commission.
The Traineeships Committee, composed of Proff. Francesca Carella and Anna De Maio
More info at the following links:
- Request Module Traineership extra moenia
- Final Certificate intramoenia
- Internship certificate extramoenia