+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it

Dottorato in Biologia

Activity Report PhD in Biology 33° cicle

News PhD Biology - Dottorato in Biologia

Thursday April 29th – Teams Platform Activity Report PhD in Biology 33° cicle (code: ttlsxzm) 1 1.00-12.30 PRIMO PASQUALE, VITALE ERMENEGILDA, SORRENTINO MARIA CRISTINA 12.30-14.00 SANSONE FERDINANDO, GATTO CRISTINA, DI [...]

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XXXVI cycle admission

News PhD Biology - Dottorato in Biologia

Candidates, which are not resident in Italy, and do not possess Italian citizenship, have to follow the instructions in the documents that can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.unina.it/didattica/post-laurea/dottorati-di-ricerca/english-version [...]

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PhD Courses April/May 2020

News PhD Biology - Dottorato in Biologia

Course in gene expression in model systems (Organized by C. Missero) 2 April 2020 (2h 14.00/16.00) Tiziana Angrisano, Dept of Biology – DNA methylation and chromatin state dynamics during differentiation 8 April [...]

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Please refer to the school’s secretaries office [...]

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Organization of the PhD

The Department of Biology offers PhD positions for three years. Every year the Department advertises student bursaries for both Italians who have graduated with Master degrees or non-Italians with equivalent [...]

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