PhD Courses April/May 2020
Di Giovanni Scala In News PhD Biology Il 28 Marzo 2020
Course in gene expression in model systems (Organized by C. Missero)
- 2 April 2020 (2h 14.00/16.00) Tiziana Angrisano, Dept of Biology – DNA methylation and chromatin state dynamics during differentiation
- 8 April (2h 14.00/16.00) Marco Salvemini, Dept of Biology – RNA-seq and bioinformatics for in silico gene expression analysis
- 8 April 2020 (2 h 16.00/18.00) Giuliana Napolitano, Dept of Biology – Charity begins at home: the dark matter of the genome contributes to DNA repair
- 15 April 2020 (2h 14.00/16.00) Marcella Cesana, TIGEM – Gene expression regulation in stem cells: an RNA perspective
- 15 April 2020 (2h 16.00/18.00) Ivan Conte, TIGEM and Dept of Biology – Gene expression analysis in Medaka model system, a tool to identify molecular pathways
- 30 April 2020 (2h 16.00/18.00) Serena Aceto, Dept of Biology – Gene expression during flower development in model and non-model species
Systems Biology (Organized by G.Scala)
- 20 April (10:00-13:00) – Giovanni Scala (Dept. of Biology, UNINA) – Introduction to Systems Biology and Omics technologies
- 22 April (14:00-17:00) – Dario Greco (Dept. of Biology, UNINA) & Antonio Federico (Faculty of Medicine and Life sciences, TAU) – Preprocessing and analysis of omics data with Eutopia
- 24 April (14:00 16:00) – April Francesco Napolitano (Computational Bioscience Research Center, KAUST) – Systems Biology approaches for drug discovery and repositioning
- 27 April (10:00 – 13:00) Giovanni Scala (Dept. of Biology, UNINA) – Integrative analyses of multi-omics data
- 4 May (10:00-13:00) Giovanni Scala (Dept. of Biology, UNINA) – Functional profiling of Mechanism of Actions in multiple experiments
- 6 May (14:00 – 16:00) Prof. Michele Ceccarelli (DIETI, UNINA) – Large scale integrative bioinformatics and systems biology in cancer genomics
Course in Cell Biology and Physiology (Organized by L Cigliano and C. Missero)
- 12 May 2020 (2h 14.00/16.00) Arianna Mazzoli, Dept of Biology – Search of new therapeutic targets of obesity and obesity related diseases
- 12 May 2020 (2h 16.00/18.00) Paolo Bergamo, National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Food Science – Food antioxidants: physiological insight at molecular level