Progetto InterZooMaster
Di Fabiana Alfieri In Highlight Il 10 Novembre 2023
A seguito del lavoro svolto dalla Prof. Anna Di Cosmo in qualità di delegato del Direttore all ‘Internazionalizzazione e del Prof. Gianluca Polese componente della Commissione e delegato Erasmus, si informa il Dipartimento della partecipazione alla cordata internazionale relativa al progetto Europeo InterZooMaster che ha ricevuto un finanziamento, di seguito tutte le informazioni e gli obiettivi del progetto.
Il progetto InterZooMaster (2023-24) e’ stato finanziato dal programma europeo Erasmus Mundus Design Measures e rappresenta il proseguimento del progetto InterZoo (2019-2022), che e’ stato precedentemente finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Higher Education
(pagina web ufficiale –
Il capofila del progetto e’ University of Wolverhampton, ma il consorzio progettuale comprende 11 partner (inclusi atenei, zoo, ed associazioni di zoo e acquari) da 4 paesi europei (Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna, Italia, Francia, Ungheria).
L’obiettivo del progetto e’ quello di definire il partenariato, la struttura ed i contenuti di un futuro corso di master internazionale in gestione e conservazione degli animali negli zoo che, verra’ finanziato dal programma Erasmus Mundus Joint Master.
Titolo del progetto:
International Zoo Conservation and Management Master (InterZooMaster)
The ‘InterZooMaster’ project aims to provide a defined and integrated international joint Master degree programme that delivers targeted professional development across key areas of international zoo management.
At its core are 3 training modules that reflect the needs of the international zoo sector focusing on
(i) the welfare and captivity,
(ii) the conservation,
and (iii) the legislative contexts.
As such the proposal addresses the lack of training courses that specifically target the inherently international nature and structure of the zoo sector and importantly the link this has with more strategic activities connected to the management of institutions. Using the mechanism of the EMDM programme the consortium proposes to build on the initial content of the previous Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for HE ‘InterZoo’ project to establish the details and processes for developing a fully-fledged, international award governed by the principles of the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes.
Benefits include focused, applied knowledge transfer and training by HEI and zoo professionals as well as collaborations between students from a wide-range of backgrounds and experience.
Beneficiaries include potential conventional students progressing from lower levels of study, partners/associate partners themselves in terms of student numbers, enhanced collaborations and expanded professional networks, as well as confirmed training and qualifications for a host of professionals working in the sector; e.g., NGOs, senior/junior zoo staff.
Sito web: