The Department of Biology is a main Life Science research center of the University of Naples Federico II and is active in a variety of biological areas, including biochemistry, microbiology, cytology and histology, physiology, pathology, molecular biology, genetics, plant biology, ecology and zoology.
Our mission is to lead to a better understanding of life through studies on molecules, cells, organisms and ecosystems. A priority for us is the education of students through an approach that integrates theory and experimental activity.
The Department of Biology offers the following courses:
2 Bachelor’s degree courses (first degrees take three years. The final phase is dedicated to writing the BA thesis. A BA qualifies you to pursue certain careers; it also allows you apply for master’s programs), starting from accademic year 2018/2019
5 Master’s degree courses (graduates of bachelor’s programs can pursue a master degree. As a rule, it takes a total of five years to complete bachelor and master studies (3 + 2 years)
- Biology
- Science in Biological Sciences
- Natural Sciences
- Marine Biology and Aquacolture
- Biology of Extreme Environment
PhD program, intended for students who have a Master’s degree.
Further Training courses, intended for students who have a Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree
The Department of Biology is committed to excellence in research and education, and is proud of the outstanding students and staff who make this possible.
The progress made in Life Sciences in recent years have improved the quality of our lives. It is an exciting time to be a biologist – join us!