3rd Bringing Maths to Life 7-9 June 2017, Naples, Italy
Di Fabiana Alfieri In Non categorizzato Il 17 Marzo 2017
BMTL 2017: 2nd Call for Abstracts
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Bringing Maths to Life Workshop, that will be held in Naples on 7-9 June 2017 (http://www.bmtl.it).
The workshop provides an occasion for biologists and mathematicians to join forces in addressing key areas in biology that face demanding mathematical challenges.Discussing existing cases to identify gaps or to share existing solutions should help these disciplines in successfully linking up.
BMTL 2017 workshop, as a mélange of different fields, will consist of selected contributions for open discussion to present and confront the most updated results at the interface of mathematics and biology in three main sessions:
- Data: acquisition, pre-processing and storage of different -omics datasets. The goal of this session is to discuss effective ways of acquiring, processing, and storing data as a starting point for any kind of analysis. Two large-scale projects will be presented within this session. The first project, SardiNIA, recruited over 1.5 million Sardinians across the island to gather enough cases and controls to investigate genetic factors for a wide range of conditions and diseases
(see: https://sardinia.nia.nih.gov/). The second, MetaSUB (Metagenomics & Metadesign of Subways & Urban Biomes), includes scientists tracking the microbes in city subways and describe their diffusion on an interactive map (see: http://metasub.org/).
- Information: data analysis, novel -omics technologies, the application of deep learning to different -omics datasets. The integration of experimental data prior to their analysis requires full understanding of the algorithms that need to be used in order to ensure a correct application in answering biological questions. Case studies of this session are two examples of metagenomics analyses. The first is the analysis of data collected during the Tara Oceans expedition including samples from 210 stations across the world oceans (see: http://taraexpeditions-it.blogspot.it/)). The project is deciphering how the most complex organisms evolved from primordial bacteria and in future it will tell us about the fate of the myriad organisms present today. The second concern the analysis of human gut microbiome.
- Knowledge: integration of different -omics data, system biology of -omics data. Methods for the integrative analysis of multi-omics data are required to draw a more complete and accurate picture of the dynamics of molecular systems. Unveiling the interactions between diverse types of data allows to fully exploit their information. The keynote lectures of this session will show the integration of genomic, biochemical, and metabolic data under comprehensive mathematical models.
This year the workshop will be held in the magnificent Capitolo Hall of St. Domenico Maggiore Convent, one of the most important spaces created during the renovation started by the prior Ruffo (XVII century).
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr. Valeria D’Argenio, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Prof. Antti Honkela, University of Helsinki, Finland
Dr. Daniele Iudicone, Zoological Station of Naples A. Dohrn, Italy
Dr. Carlo Sidore, Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research – CNR, Italy
Prof. Klas I. Udekwu, The Wenner-Gren Institute Stockholm University, Sweden
Prof. Hans Westerhoff, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
For more information visit the website http://www.bmtl.it
Important dates:
Abstract submission & early registration: March 31st, 2017
Scientists are invited to send their contributions. Abstracts should be in English and contain original research results. All abstracts will be peer reviewed by the international scientific board that will decide whether presenting them as a poster or an oral contribution.
Selected peer-review papers will be considered for publication in monographs and special issues of international journals.
We hope to meeting you in Naples!
Kind regards,
The BMTL Organizing Committee
Vincenza Colonna, IGB – CNR
Mario Guarracino, ICAR – CNR
Alessandra Rogato, IBBR – CNR
Valeria Zazzu, formerly IGB – CNR
Learn more
+39 0815515192