Special seminar series in environmental science 2021
Di Giovanni Scala In News Dottorato in Biologia Il 10 Marzo 2020
Special seminar series in environmental science
The seminars have been conceived to address the issue of “change” in marine – terrestrial systems trying to show the knowledge, the challenges and the gaps we have to face for sustainable use of our ecosystems.
- 30 March 2021
Antonio Terlizzi (University of Trieste)
Subtle and disregarded human impacts on the functioning of marine systems
- 21 May 2021
Adriana Albini (Direttore Scientifico Fondazione Multimedica Onlus, Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico, IRCCS Multimedica, Milano) & Simonetta Fraschetti (Dipartimento Biologia Università Federico II)
Un mare che cura…e da curare
- 21 October 2021
Rosa Rutigliano (Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)
Fires and soil resource