+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it

Notice Biology Extreme Environments

Sorveglianza sanitaria per gli studenti in tesi: calendario delle visite

Notice Biology Extreme Environments

CALENDARIO VISITE Gli studenti che iniziano l’attività di Tesi Sperimentale presso il Dipartimento di Biologia, devono sottoporsi alla sorveglianza sanitaria. La comunicazione della data delle visite sarà pubblicata a cadenza [...]

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Student s’Opinions Survey A.Y. 2023/2024

Notice Biology Extreme Environments

october 2024-october 2024 [...]

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Didactics Activities Schedule

Notice Biology Extreme Environments

A.Y. 2023/2024 [...]

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English certification: Placement Test

Notice Biology Extreme Environments

Students regularly enrolled in the first year who do not have a B2 level English language certification must take the PLACEMENT TEST To attend the Placement Test: ESOL.UNINA use the [...]

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