+39 081.123.4567 segreteria@biologia.dip.unina.it

Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering Core


Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering Core

The Biofabrication and Tissue Engineering Core at the Department of Biology provides the internal and outside researchers, including industry scientists, with a wide range of Micro and Nanostructuring techniques for cell-based applications in the fields of tissue engineering, biology, drug discovery and regenerative medicine.



3D Bioprinting Core


Prof. Salvatore Valiante 

    Dr. Teresa Barra 

email: valiante@unina.it

email: teresa.barra@unina.it

The 3D Bioprinting Core of the Department of Biology of the University of Naples Federico II  hosts the 3D Bioprinting Core which provides resources for research projects and teaching classes for researchers and Ph.D students interested to being able to print functional human cells, tissues and even organs from a 3D printer. Innovative methods for human tissue and organ engineering can have a profound effect on the future of biomedicine. 3D bioprinting is considered a revolutionary technology to advance and accelerate advances in tissue engineering, biology, drug discovery and regenerative medicine.

The 3D Bioprinting Core allows researchers to take advantage of this groundbreaking technology providing useful tools to investigate both basic biological questions and highly prevalent pathologies.


The 3D Bioprinting Core is a completely independent 3D cell culture lab equipped with the following bioprinters:

BIO X is a versatile bioprinter equipped with intelligent printhead mounts. The 3D Bioprinting core BIO X has three independent printheads and comes with five interchangeable printheads to allow printing with different cells, biomaterials, temperature and pressure conditions. With its completely sterilizing environment allows bioprinting with different type of cells also on benchtop. The resolution is up to 1 micron in XY. It has multiple UV/VIS curing system (365, 405, 485 and 520 nm LED) and printbed temperature control between 4°C and 60°C.

Inkredible plus bioprinter is a very flexible bioprinter with two independents heated printheads allowing to print with different cell types. CELLINK’s Clean Chamber hood provides a sterile printing environment without the need for a biological hood. Operating at temperatures up to 130 degrees Celsius, heated printheads allow you to print with a wide range of materials. The built-in UV Crosslinking System with wavelengths of 365 nm and 405 nm provides a quick and convenient way to initiate photo crosslinking.



All the users and collaborators of the 3D Bioprinting Core are obligated to acknowledge the core in publications: “The authors acknowledge the 3D Bioprinting Core at Department of Biology of University of Naples Federico II for their scientific support.

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